Buying Guide about Aquamarine Stones

This is a gem that’s blue green or blue and is named based on sea water colors. It also comes from beryl.  This is March’s birthstone and is known for being more moderately priced than other gemstones of this nature. 

The color of this comes from iron that’s ferrous, present in trace amounts. The colors are usually blue of some kinds, and a bit of green within it.  they can also be a bit dark, or very light.

You’ll rarely find an aquamarine that’s darker than a topaz, and whenever you do, it’s because of the cut which enhances the color of such. 

There is also the white aquamarine, but also keep in mind that they’re usually just beryl’s that are colorless and are called goshenite. 

This is a stone that symbolizes the sea for the most part and is connected with different stories about the sea.  Due to the mystical nature of these, many sailors, fisherman, and the like wore these when out at sea, and so did other travelers too. 

When these are cut, the primary consideration that comes with this is the color depth.  Usually, using an emerald cut, or a baryon is the most preferred. Lowered crown angles produce a higher brilliance, but the higher crowns also improve the color depth too. 

The family it comes from, the beryls, are some of the easiest for a gem cutter to polish. They usually use diamond polish to give the brilliance and light to them. 

While it’s valued mostly on the rich colors, if you cut the aquamarine correctly, it can be some of the most spectacular types of gems that are out there, especially in the world of cutting and preservation of gems that one does, in order to enhance the beauty of these stones.